Prevent and Protect
We appreciate all our volunteers at St. Joseph. Protecting our children is paramount to our school and parish. All volunteers who will be working with children must do the following to volunteer at St. Joseph:
1. Attend a Protecting God’s Children workshop. The schedule of classes throughout the Archdiocese can be found by visiting the link below. Registration for the Protecting God’s Children workshop is required.
2. Submit to a Criminal Records Check (background screening). Follow the link below to initiate that process.
3. Read and agree to abide by the Code of Ethical Conduct For Clergy, Employees and Volunteers Working With Minors. You will receive the training by registering on the link below.
4. Register in Prevent and Protect STL by clicking on the link below.
Please click the link below to start all of the above processes and register for a workshop. Contact the parish office if you have any questions at (636) 332-6676.